I’ve been a big fan of Kidrobot for all its quirky toys from Japan and Europe. Loitering in their stores reminds me of running around Tokyo collecting trinkets/toys from the seemingly endless vending machines. After all, Japan has about 1 vending machine to every 23 people or so according to recent stats. Tokidoki, which means sometimes in Japanese, is a …
Happy Holidays!
 Two recurring themes in my travel photography are local children and CHANEL boutiques that I run across in foreign countries. Hey, I did say this is supposed to be about travel and fashion! Sometimes if I’m lucky, I manage to capture both themes in one shot as in the photograph above, taken in Tokyo. This is my first Christmas Eve blog and …
Konichiwa Tokyo
 Regardless of your personal position on whether the sun does rise above its empire, Japan is one of those places that you must experience in 3-D to appreciate. From everything I’ve ever read or heard about Japan, their minimalist aesthetics and obligation for order have always resonated with me. Their culture seems to operate on a higher level of civility. I …
Gastronomy central
Los Angeles is largely an anti-pedestrian town, so when I travel I try to walk everywhere. By far the best way to get to know a new place (except LA) is usually on foot. This constant movement also provides a guilt-free excuse to eat your way through your destination. And rubbing elbows with the locals over grub is a lot …