Kids In A Candy Store

From the Grand Canyon we overnight in Vegas then get a fresh start back to California the next day. Before we leave Nevada, however, we make a quick pit stop at the touristy Ethel M chocolate factory (maker of the famous M&Ms). If you’re traveling with two Belgians whose country is rather known for their chocolate, wouldn’t you feel a …


City Of Trees

  Sacramento is the capital of the great state of California, and its nickname is the City of Trees.   It’s definitely a lush city, and a river also runs through it, so while driving around sunny downtown Sacramento I have a strange deja vu of being in Austin. But other than being a capital and university town, the two …


Road Trip

  I never say no to a road trip so when an invitation to a golf resort comes up, I am packed in a matter of minutes. My trip’s wardrobe begins with a purse (no surprise there) which then determines the color scheme for my clothes. Once the outfits are selected, shoes and accessories become easy picks as they only …

Secret Garden

  There are many charming small cities within Los Angeles County.  And by small I mean it still takes half an hour to three times that long to get from point A to point B, depending on how lucky you are once you are on the freeway.   Past the 110 tunnels where the freeway dead ends to Arroyo Parkway, …


My City of Angels

  A sweet email from a Scottish reader reminds me what a great photographic opportunity I have right here in Los Angeles.  So while I anticipate my next trip to NY to visit my newest niece, I’ll just post pictures of my hometown as I find it here and there for a while.  The photos in today’s entry were taken appropriately enough …