Kids In A Candy Store

From the Grand Canyon we overnight in Vegas then get a fresh start back to California the next day. Before we leave Nevada, however, we make a quick pit stop at the touristy Ethel M chocolate factory (maker of the famous M&Ms). If you’re traveling with two Belgians whose country is rather known for their chocolate, wouldn’t you feel a bit intimidated?

Nah! Turns out we’re all kids in a candy store…

especially when they give out samples at the end of the tour,

which is a really sneaky trick to get us into the gift shop…

I can’t resist the dark chocolates, and my behind will pay for it! Sigh. Want another shot of that Balenciaga bag I mentioned yesterday? The color of the bag is called galet, and it’s not the most utilitarian color for the road but I’ve never been able to resist a gray bag. Or dark chocolate. But at least with such a big bag I could hide the aforementioned behind!

Besides the chocolate hit, this factory actually has a rather cool (supposedly one of the world’s largest) botanical cactus garden with over 300 species of plants, from cacti to succulents…

I’m inspired to create my own cactus garden. Anyway, from here it’s a long, long drive to our next destination. Here are a few shots taken from the road:

After crossing big towns…

and small ones…

we finally arrive:

Any guesses as to where I am?


  1. Janette

    Hi! Is that the gate to get to Monterey/Pebble Beach?!?! 🙂

  2. larkie

    Schol! still so much to see in this great state of ours! will pm ya soon about the taupe bag…finally got it!!!

  3. larkie

    V, i knew you’d love the bbag. how are you!! have a wonderful holiday season with your fam!!

  4. scholastican


    Have fun and stay warm!

  5. viki anderson

    my gosh L you get around girlie !! hope you’re good! love the Day bag on you ~ Happy Holidays vx

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