FITMSO: The Leather Jacket

During my first year of law school I had a section-mate who was an older student. He was in this late 30s when we were all mostly in our 20s. He had a Harley and wore clothes befitting someone who would own a hog. We had nothing in common except for the afternoon rides up the winding, narrow hills behind …

Durbuy’s Christmas Market

Don’t squint. There’s nothing wrong with your computer screen, or your eyes. Relax and sit back. It’s just me taking you through a hazy dream tunnel… and sooner or later your vision will become clearer… But trust me, when we arrive at the little town of Durbuy, you will think you are still dreaming and have to pinch yourself… because …

A Tannery In Fes

A reader emailed me that my purses get to see more of the world than some people she knows, and the Balenciaga Day bag you see above is just starting to become one of the better workhorses I have for the road. It folds flat in my carry-on bag, is super light, and holds tons of stuff. I don’t have …

We Don’t Need Halloween To See All The Freaks

  So Halloween this year fell on a Saturday under a very full moon.  No costume party for me this time, which turned out to be a good thing because I’d been feeling sick all week, and by the time the weekend rolled around I was pooped…though I suppose I could have gone to a party dressed as a swine flu victim. When …