When we celebrated embarking upon
Year 3 last year, I’d cheekily mentioned adding a blue jumbo classic bag to my collection. A blue bag did come and go this year (turns out navy is a hard color to get just right), but for this year’s anniversary entry, I thought I’d feature some of my favorite creepy crawly bags instead to mark numero cuatro.
Year 2’s anniversary entry, I recapped the year. I can’t even begin to do that this year since it’s been a huge blur for me. Hours seem to get shorter while to-do lists get longer on a daily basis. But busy is fuel for a restless soul like me.
So as I enter Year 4 literally blogging from the road, I thank you for joining me on my trip through this thing called life. Travel and fashion are so much more fun when shared!
PS: I’m sorta thinking a matte gold gator to add to the mix… maybe for year 5 😀 …
I’mmmm speechless…
thanks everyone! if anyone has an antidote for this gator addiction, please send it my way. it’s a terrible disease lol.
OMG! Pure gorgeousness!
I’m still wiping off drool from my keyboard as I’m typing this! I adore the pink gator! I’m a sucker for hot pink. I know you’re not stopping at just 1 bag for year 4. I can’t wait to see what else you’ll acquire for year 4. *fans myself*
What a fabulous collection of exotics!! The pink one took my breath away. I think you really need a blue and a purple to complete the collection. =P
Exotics!!! You are torturing me! I wantttttt!!
You are an inspiration for us all! Can’t wait to see what the next year brings 😉
err…that was me up there, commenting from a public pc as await my appt at the doctor’s lounge =P
There are no words to describe your CC collection…but thank you for generously sharing your fabulous closet with us through the years. YEARS! Where has time gone? More power to you and your blog!
I see red
I see pink
I see black
I see bronze
I see green
I see orange
Seriously, u NEED that blue/ purple croc to complete the rainbow streek!
Good God! I left the silliest post today, on your Yr three post! Duh! Ditto it all for your 4th yr anniversary! Congrats! (No wonder I stay silent!)
xxx KL