Brussels For A Day

Belgium has been my home away from home for so many years that sometimes I take Brussels for granted when in fact it provides wonderful photographic opportunities. Besides being a shopping hub for me, it is also a big city full of quaint squares and charming streets, brimming with tourists and locals… and semi-locals like moi (here I am at …

3D And All In Paris

So I reference the Purse Forum a lot at my blog because it’s been a great research and social tool for me in all things accessories. One of the unexpected benefits to membership there has been finding friends from all walks of life, with all sorts of experiences. All this from one common bond of a love for fashion. I’ve …


The Macaron Game

There’s been a bit of a buzz about Ladurée opening in Manhattan last week. I keep hoping they’d think of us on the west coast as their next expansion target, but if it’s taken them over 100 years to cross the Atlantic I won’t be holding my breath. I suppose it’s still easier to get my Ladurée fix by popping …

Père Lachaise Cemetery

A little something-something is arriving this Thursday, according to the UPS online tracking, so there’ll be a fashion post on Friday if UPS is accurate. In the interim, I thought I’d take you back to Paris today to a tourist attraction, the Père Lachaise Cemetery. Over 100 acres, it is the largest cemetery within the city of Paris. And if …


Cuckoo For Macarons

I bet you were guessing another French icon that starts with the letter C, ends with L, and has HANE in the middle when I left you last. But no, today I’m sharing photos of another Parisian obsession of mine. Yep, I’m definitely cuckoo for macarons! Specifically le délicieux macaron from Ladurée, a double-decker concoction that consists of a melt-in-your-mouth …