Lego Batman

I’m definitely not a fan of reading instruction manuals or following directions, but for as long as I can remember, I have always loved deconstructing things to see how they work. Watches, lined jackets, small gadgets–you name it, I’ve taken it apart. Can’t say I’ve always been successful in putting every Humpty Dumpty back together, much to my chagrin, but the thrill of seeing small puzzle parts waiting to be magically reconnected without a road map has never waned for me.

When I visit my parents, my mom and I would sometimes challenge ourselves to a 500- or 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. For two inherently restless people, it’s probably one of the few things that actually manage to slow us down for a bit. When I am home, however, it’s virtually impossible for me to set up any puzzle given my two furkids’ curious paws…as you can see in the above picture with the Lego parts. But at least with a simple Lego project of 300 pieces or so, I can finish a build in under an hour without having to chase the cats around for missing parts.

I’ve discussed my obsession with superhero art here before, so it should be no surprise to you that my Lego project today involves Batman, The Flash, and the Riddler:

This is proof that I really should follow instructions better (especially when they are drawn and not written!)–look at Lego Batman’s midsection–that’s really his back and not chest…

but I just get too excited when all the pieces are in front of me, all jumbled up…

waiting for the fingers to catch up with the eyes:

Maybe my next project should be building a Chanel bag out of Lego pieces!


  1. Zanne

    Hi Larkie,
    Haha! You’re too funny 😀
    I love a good puzzle too but the problem is, like a bag of chips, I can’t stop till I finish once I start on it!
    Do you hang on to these toys or do you hand them over to your niece?

  2. Zanne

    Haha! You’re too funny 😀
    I love a good puzzle too but the problem is, like a bag of chips, I can’t stop till I finish once I start on it!
    Do you hang on to these toys or do you hand them over to your niece?

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