ODJ: May Day

I’ve been in Europe for over a week now, lugging my herbal tea pouches (to be taken 3x a day along with the 12 herbal horse pills) from place to place:

Knock on wood, but so far I’ve not been harassed by customs for these funky smelling teas, which still taste like muddy water after the fifteenth day, and I am finally seeing an end to the month-long treatment tunnel. I’d like to think it’s more than a placebo effect because my allergies are under control since taking them, even without the aid of any prescription meds or nosesprays. Perhaps my herbalist “shaman” is right–he’s fixing the symptoms of allergies by curing the basis of my lifelong problem with sinuses. Time will tell and I don’t want to raise my hopes up too high, but I can’t tell you how nice it is to be able to breathe normally and have unpuffy eyes. I’d never complain about having any condition, but it’s just so great to not have it. All the little things others get to take for granted suddenly feel like a new lease on life to me.

And even on a very warm free day out and about in blooming Antwerp for the May Day festivities, I only sneezed a few times instead of the catastrophic experiences last year in Paris and London at exactly the same time. Anyway, it was great to join the masses in the Springtime instead of hiding indoors like a vampire from pollens…

especially on a trip consisting mainly of airports, work, and random sightings of Chanel boutiques…

But you know how it goes, work pays for the Chanel addiction habit :D. Let’s see what goodies I’ll find when I have some time to hit the shops here.

ODJ: May Day. Theory brown linen sundress, Gucci shellprint cardigan, Mossimo espadrilles, anthracite Balenciaga Day bag.


  1. larkie

    April, you must have had a great trip! i haven’t been back to south america in almost a decade but have always wanted to go to chile (on my way to antarctica). yes, love that missoni tote. sure wish i could get my hands on the large 28″ suitcase now though…

  2. April

    Just got back from South America, myself. IDK how you do all this traveling; I’m exhausted!! On the other hand, my Missoni tote held up pretty darn well after being dragged through Uruguay and Ecuador. She’s a trooper, all right.
    Glad your allergies are cleaning. I can relate.

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