So if you click on the ODJ (Outfit Du Jour) link in the right column of my blog you’ll see that I dropped off at day 244. A few years ago. You know, laziness. But a few readers recently encouraged me to pick up where I left off so I’m going to shoot for an ODJ renewal this year and do a few a week. And as I mentioned in the last post, I’m using Lil A once more as talent for kicking off the revived ODJ series.
We got to spend some time together while her parents were preparing for a move to a new place. I was there primarily to meet Mr. T. I was shocked by how much she’d grown in the last year. But most of all I loved how independent she’s becoming; wants to do everything by herself. Including taking this photo of auntie Larkie with Baby Brother (that’s what she calls him):
And I loved that she was always camera ready–would put up with my ten millionth shot of her in every pose. So here’s Lil A in her ODJ, very much a tribute to Mlle Chanel herself (all the way down to the ballerina flats) with my Chanel camera bag…
while still maintaining a funky vibe in her Harajuku Mini biker jacket:
But you wouldn’t know her downtown rocker chic persona if you saw her outside in this very uptown shearling:
Yesss…a fashionista after my own heart. All dolled up even while doing manual labor dragging the new suitcase I was buying to replace the one that was ripped up on my flight from DC to NY:
You laugh, but she dragged that suitcase all the way home from the store! That’s like lifting your own bodyweight! Could she be any cuter? I think not, but tomorrow is another day.