Joy, Peace, And A Sunny Disposition

You’ve probably heard that we had almost 7 full days of rain here in California, and for southern Cal, that’s practically as bad as 40 days and 40 nights. But in spite of the horrific mudslides in some of our hills, a full rainbow showed up at the end of the rains…

and the next day we all got into our cars and drove anywhere just because it had stopped raining!

Today, on Christmas Eve, it was such a fantastic, sunny day in Pasadena that I’m pretty certain Santa will wear a t-shirt if not shorts when he passes through here later.

I hope you get everything you wished for–maybe even something in a black box with white letters :D–

and if there’s still a little room in your stocking, I’m adding joy, peace, and a sunny disposition to your loot. Happy holidays everyone!


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