A Suspension Bridge In The Mist

It’s a brief takeout for lunch because one person in my travel party is suffering from a bad case of food poisoning, and having been through that myself on the road a few years ago, I know it’s no fun to look at food at all. So we grab some Boudin to go…

and leave the Wharf,

just as the fog lifts to let the sun inch its way over Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge:

We make the most of the sunlight by visiting the Palace of Fine Arts next. It was constructed for an art exhibition during the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition then rebuilt in 1965, with further retrofitting done in the 2000s. Today it is a great place for weddings, events, and of course movie shoots.

Once you are here, the natural progression is to go toward the Golden Gate…I’m lucky not all the mist has burned off by the time we reach it:

So I’ll leave you here to enjoy the bridge for now and pick up on the trip after the Christmas blog. Is there anything more romantic than a suspension bridge in the mist?


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