A Safe And Restful Turkey Day


It’s Thanksgiving Day here in the US so I’ll take a break from baking–and by baking I mean pop a frozen pie in the oven–to wish everyone a safe and restful turkey day. I’m cooking crab pasta this year for the Thanksgiving entrée.  You might say we pardon turkeys year-round in my kitchen!

Hopefully you get to spend this holiday with family or at the very least with family on your mind as in my case. It’s been a tough year for many of us in this country, but today I’m thankful that one of my dearest friends still has the gusto for life even though her father is dying from cancer. I’m thankful another friend’s nephew survived a horrific car accident and learned to drive even without his feet! I’m blessed to be inspired by strong, brave people who opt to overcome personal struggles day after day instead of asking why me.


Most of all I’m thankful I get to wake up every day under this great blue sky and see what surprise awaits me on the road. Thank you for taking these trips with me at my blog.


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