New Eyes

I don’t have particularly bad vision, if you don’t count the whole night blindness symptoms and astigmatism stuff, not to mention the reading glasses issue. Though that’s just another excuse for me to collect Chanel frames–hey, aging has to have some upside, right? But right around when allergies get really awful, which is basically 70% of the year for me these days, wearing contacts can be challenging. Not to mention those long rides on the plane. Nothing worse than waking up with wonky contacts and bloodshot eyes right before running into a meeting.

So I took the plunge and booked my Lasik surgery for this past Friday. I kept fairly busy (with CES and all) and had no time for nerves. But the morning of, I began to really see. Looked at the endless view of downtown LA after a night’s rain and thought, let’s hope I can see even more clearly tomorrow without my glasses. As the hour got closer, I went for a Jamba run

and told myself, maybe the mango-a-gogo will look even prettier with my new eyes. Suddenly the evil Larkie said, that is if nothing goes wrong while they zap your eyes! Ugh.

Then I looked at the details of this Gucci jacket I chose to wear for this very occasion. It’s one of my favorite items ever, and if anything is going to go right or wrong, at least I’ll be dressed well. Priorities, people! Honestly, I hope when I wake up from surgery, I will be able to see all the details sharply without the benefit of contacts or glasses:

I hope, I hope.

It was time. At their Newport Beach office I signed all the paperwork, popped a Xanax, and twenty minutes later came out of surgery with new eyes. Of course I have about zero recollection of the whole experience. I only remember sitting in the waiting room for ten minutes after taking the Xanax then stumbling into the operating room when the nurse came to get me. I do not even remember seeing my doctor…just vaguely recall hearing his voice saying “look at the red light” then getting a hug from him when it was done?

Today is Sunday, about 48 hours with my new eyes. I’ve been taking it easy so have not been outside driving or anything yet. But I can tell you that it is the best thing ever to be able to look out of my living room window and see palm trees way beyond the hill with my naked eyes! There’s a bit of tenderness over my right eye, and I have to apologize to everyone who will have to see me without my makeup on this whole week (no eye makeup allowed!), but other than that, this has been an incredible gift.


  1. Misun

    Thank you!

  2. Misun

    I’ve been thinking about Lasik for many years, but have been too nervous and not trusting anyone with my only pair of eyes. Would you mind sharing which Lasik center you went to?

  3. Lisa

    I had LASIK a yr ago and it was the best decision ever, besides saying yes to my husband. Hydrate your eyes a lot, it will help with the healing process.

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