All Roads Lead To…

I’ve not fallen off the face of this continent. Just have been in transit. And judging from my title I’m sure you’ve guessed I’ve made it to the Eternal City, where I haven’t been in over a decade. Rome is still one of the most exciting places to be if you are a history buff or just like looking at ruins and letting your imagination take you back to the days of the great Roman empire. More on sightseeing in the next few entries about Rome when I can upload the million photos I’ve taken already.

For today, let’s just say I’ve already been twice, in as many days, to the Hermès boutique where I actually saw with my own two eyes the mythical black Kelly bag and lizard Birkin bags, both front and center on full display but not for sale. Most likely already on reserve for lucky clients. The sales associate encouraged me to come back daily, as he says most locals do, and try my luck since there’s no telling what could arrive the next day. But that lovely box Kelly (in my favorite 32cm size) was definitely not available to come home with me. Sigh.

So while all roads lead to Hermès for me on my travels these days, the H gods are still toying with me. Looks like you, dear readers, and I have to settle for stories about the city instead of a bag for now. See you in the next entry…or should I say a few doors down at another old haunt of mine :D:


  1. larkie

    Schol! good to hear from ya. i’m starting to think H doesn’t want my money. maybe they don’t like the chanel scent on me, lol.

  2. larkie

    Jel: LMAO…wish this peasant had been able to snap the photos of those mythical H bags, but def no pics allowed inside the H boutique!

  3. scholastican

    Oops, that was me above, forgetting to log in before commenting =P Buon giorno, signora! Ciao, ciao!

  4. Anonymous

    Roma! How exciting! Enjoy the sights and flavors of the city, MissL. Can’t wait to read how your H-unt unfurls and unfolds.

  5. Jelita78

    Thats it?
    Come on larkie!
    What kind of post is this?
    U’re teasing us here… Arrrkkkk.. My brains are stressing out already..
    Too bad u couldnt get the Kelly and Birkin.
    U know i’m rooting for u, right?
    But at least post us some pics of it for the eyes of the peasant, will ya..

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