Happy Holidays From Firenze!

This year’s Christmas post is from Florence, Italy, one of my favorite places in the world. The first time I came through here, I was blown away to finally see everything I had studied for four years in college about Italian art history. Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Ghirlandaio, Boticelli, Michelangelo, Donatello and other Renaissance masters all came to life to me as …


Happy Holidays!

I hope that Santa will bring you everything you wish for. As for me, I woke up on Christmas eve to a blue sky, put on my capri jeans, tshirt, and sandals and darted outside to soak up the lovely 75-degrees weather in my part of the world. And I’ll get to do it again tomorrow on Christmas day. That’s …


Happy Holidays!

  Two recurring themes in my travel photography are local children and CHANEL boutiques that I run across in foreign countries. Hey, I did say this is supposed to be about travel and fashion! Sometimes if I’m lucky, I manage to capture both themes in one shot as in the photograph above, taken in Tokyo. This is my first Christmas Eve blog and …


Happy Feet

I sent my passport away a few weeks ago to get it renewed two years ahead of its expiration date; I’d simply run out of pages. So while almost everyone I know has left the country for their summer holidays, I have been California bound, nose to the grind. The upside to all this, though, is that for once I …

Joy, Peace, And A Sunny Disposition

You’ve probably heard that we had almost 7 full days of rain here in California, and for southern Cal, that’s practically as bad as 40 days and 40 nights. But in spite of the horrific mudslides in some of our hills, a full rainbow showed up at the end of the rains… and the next day we all got into …